This is the 4th of July Wreath that I made and I will be teaching a class on it at our RV Rally this summer. I have made up 30 packets and hope they all sell.

Supply List: 1-12" Green Wire Wreath, 1 package 20 or 35 clear lights (Christmas Tree Lights), 16-18" pieces of Red Punchinello Ribbon, 16-18" pieces of White Punchinello Ribbon, 10-18" pieces of Blue Punchinello Ribbon, 22 pipe cleaners, & 3-5 stars cut out of craft foam. (Punchinello Ribbon may also be called Honeycomb Ribbon, and I bought it on line at I found that this type of ribbon is hard to find when you want to make something with may be more popular at Christmas time.

Take 2 pieces of the same color ribbon & weave pipe cleaner in & out of every other hole, longways, starting at one end, going to the opposite end.

Gather ribbon, bunching up to cover just the front side of the wreath frame.

Use the ends of the pipe cleaners to tie the ribbon to the frame on the back side. Repeat colors, 2 red, 2 white, etc for 3/4 of the wreath, repeat with the 10 pieces of blue ribbon for 1/4 part of the wreath.
Adorn with stars on blue ribbon by hot glueing them on.
Add lights if you desire, scattering around by poking between the ribbon from the back side of wreath, securing in place with a pipe cleaners that you already tied on with ribbon. (Start with cord hanging down from the bottom of the wreath, going around)
Betty - This is adorable! I'm going to try to make this. What size is the wreath?
I can see every Suite having one of these at the Rally! What do suppose the craft time is on this?
Betty, you constantly surprise me with your awesome crafts! These are adorable!
The ladies at the RV park want to make these real bad. They will stand up to the heat and sun. Can u email me as much as you can? I'll check out the ribbon here. Muchas Gracias!
Wow Betty - you are multi-talented! I love it!
Betty, that is so cool! Thanks for the detailed instructions too! To repeat Sheri's question...what size is the wreath?
Never mind the question about the size of the wreath...I reread the instructions and see that it's a 12 inch wreath. Duh!
Success! I cut pieces and made this wreath in 1 hr. I found this ribbon at Creative Gift Packaging: for $6.95 per roll. You should get about 5 wreaths cut from a single roll. Thanks Betty.
Thanks for sharing. The instructions were very easy to understand that even I can make one of these wreaths. : )
I made one of these for Halloween about 10 years ago. Made it black with little white glass ghost garland. It came out cute.
I have made pure dark green ones like this with white lights attached through the back for Christmas...Turned out gorgeous!
Betty, do you know where we can acquire Craft Books for this Ponchinello Metallic Ribbon? I would love to follow the fun with this more.
I used this years ago. Used silver and put red, white and blue lights behind it.
I was going to get rid of it, but decided to make another one, so I had to look it up. To refresh my memory.
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